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Reformer Jumpboard (B)(I)

Jumpboard Reformer

Service Description

The Jumpboard provides a firm, padded jumping surface that allows for biomechanically sound foot placement for plyometric and aerobic exercise. Expand our repertoire and train core, lower and upper body by combining this accessory with the spring resistance of Reformer. Classes are basically conducted in Cantonese, or also in English if there is any english-speaker. 彈跳板提供堅固和舒適的跳躍面,可在高強和有氧運動中實現生物力學上良好的足部設置。透過彈跳板與核心床的彈簧阻力結合,擴展技巧控制並訓練核心、下肢及上肢。 以廣東語教授,亦會按需要使用英語。

280 Hong Kong dollars
Central|Johnston, Wan Chai

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Please note that we have no refund for all courses and teacher trainings except any extreme condition. For all group classes, we can only accept class amendment by 8 hours before the class, otherwise, we need to charge the class fee and no refund for any circumstance. Hope you understand. Reminder If you purchase/join any of our classes, you agree to our Participation Terms and Liability Waiver ( You should read carefully before purchase/join. 我們只接受課堂8小時前的調動,如未能及時通知,請恕我們不能為你更改課堂,堂費亦不可退還,敬請諒解。謝謝! 溫馨提示 如果您購買/參加我們的任何課程,即表示您同意我們的參與條款和免責聲明 (。購買/參加前應仔細閱讀。

Contact Details

  • Car Po Commercial Building, Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong


  • Chinachem Johnston Plaza, 178-186 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

    +852 51097502

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