200-hour Immersive Hatha Yoga Teacher Training
7 FULL days of continuous training. Yoga Alliance Accredited YTTC.
Fully concentrate and soak yourself in the learning environment to absorb the skills and knowledge.
Through this training, you will gain deeper insight into Yoga Philosophies, Anatomy, and Physiology. You will also acquire a wide variety of asana technique training, as well as proven effective teaching methodologies.
7:30am - 09:30am Morning practice
09:30am - 10:00am Meditation
10:00am - 12:00pm Theory discussion
12:00pm - 1:30pm Meal Break
1:30pm - 5:00pm Practical knowledge
5:00pm - 5:30pm Closing Reflection
Chapter O. Reflection: 23 - 29 Oct 2021 (7 Days)
Chapter M. Perception: 20 - 26 Nov 2021 (7 Days)
Chapter I. Transformation: 11 - 17 Dec 2021 (7 Days)
Chapter O. Grounding
The first chapter is for those who look for yoga knowledge beyond ordinary asana practice. No matter what ultimate goal you have, let the change starts from the body and mind within yourself, get to know yourself, and then about the needs of others. This chapter is very practical. The training will guide us to find suitable methods of training for our own, at the same time, we will use effective teaching and practice methods to establish a solid foundation for the entire training.
Elemental Theory
- Yoga Worldview
- OM's past, present and future
- Eight Limbs
- Nadis
- Chakras theory (chakra emotion, color and focus)
- Traditional Yoga Philosophy
- Yoga history and historical figures
- The origin and significance of Hatha
- Theory of modern yoga
- The main benefits of practicing yoga
- Integration the essence of yoga into teaching and life
- Basic Pranayamas
- Recognize the benefits and purpose of breathing
- Natural abdominal / diaphragmatic breathing
- Joints and muscles
- Shape and elasticity theory
- Theory of tension and compression
- Ten systems of the human body
- Connective tissue
- 3 levels of the basic structure of joints
- Importance of strengthening joints and muscles
- 14 segmentation studies commonly used in yoga practice
Practical Training
- Over 30 asanas
- 3 types of surya namaskara
- Props and variations
- Hands-on adjustments
- Safety Teaching Guide
- Simulation & teaching demonstration
- Basic yoga class arrangement
- Yoga instructor's ethic and conduct
Chapter M. Perception
The second chapter mainly focuses on deepening teaching skills and knowledge; it also nourishes the soul through meditation and breathing techniques. When we follow the flow of breaths with the right postures, our bodies can be solidly grounded with good consciousness. We can feel the inner energy flow, and explore our inner-selves.
- Art of meditation
- Concentration, Meditation, Vipassana
- Yin-Yang Duality
- Balance of Yin energy
- Introduction to Meridian
- Pranayama
- Yoga Diet
- Detox
- Ayurveda philosophy
- Introduction and Type of Ayurveda
- Ayurveda eating habits
- Description of asanas
- Analyse the skeletal differences of the upper body, trunk and lower body
- Sanskrits
- Characteristics and principles of different asanas
Practical Training
- Asanas Study and analysis
- Applied-anatomy
- Disassembled asanas by standing, sitting, twisting, back bending, hand balance and inversion
- Props and variations
- Hands-on adjustments
- Class arrangement
- Simulation & teaching demonstration
- Flow, transitions and safety cautions
- Drishtis
- Pranas and asanas
Chapter I. Transformation
On top of the foundation, the third chapter introduces other advanced yoga philosophical systems and techniques for us to master and flexibly use existing knowledge for reflection and improvement. In addition, as the final chapter of the 200-hour training, this chapter hopes to guide everyone towards their own’s path of spiritual practice, with their own’s most comfortable pace, and get ready to be a sincere person to share, and to teach.
⁃ Study Yoga Literatures
⁃ 6 Kriyas
⁃ The theory of fascia
⁃ Structure of 12 myofascial lines
⁃ Fascia line training and related asanas
⁃ Yoga on the energy level
⁃ 5 Koshas
Practical Training
⁃ Chanting
⁃ Kriyas application
⁃ Asanas Study and analysis
⁃ Self-enhancement and one-on-one teaching techniques
⁃ Healing of injuries and strains
⁃ Props and variations
⁃ Hands-on adjustments
⁃ Yoga marketing and business management
⁃ Simulation & teaching demonstration
⁃ Advanced yoga class arrangement (Myofascial Line)
Knowing that it is just the beginning of a long journey, keep a sense of humility and ability of self-reflection, stay open, confident and optimistic to connect ourselves to existence. What we are doing is offer a community, guiding and empowering our dedicated yoga practitioners to a personal practice, by sharing the knowledge, skills and tools we have learned so that they too can start teaching yoga.
Upon successful completion of this teacher training programme (passed all the exams and assessments), students will receive a Certificate of Completion from OMIYOGA. Our programmes and our school is Yoga Alliance accredited, meaning that students graduating from our programmes will “automatically” be approved when they apply to Yoga Alliance. From there, students will take their own steps in applying for Yoga Alliance for 200-hour certification.
Early-Bird Price: 26,000 HKD applied on or before 31 Aug 2021.
Regular Price: 28,000 HKD from 1 Sep 2021.
Form: https://forms.gle/fYVRZaRABcJJF3Dc6
Course capacity: 10 people max. due to venue limitations. Please register early to reserve the spots.
If students want to join this individual chapter but not the entire course, price is 9,800 HKD, no early-bird price available.
The fee includes all lecture notes and yoga cleansing equipment. Stationery and textbooks need to be purchased by oneself. The teacher will arrange group purchases before the course starts.
About Trainer:
Naomi Chan, founder of OMIYOGA. First met yoga in 2007 and started her yoga teaching journey by taking her first 200-hour teacher training in 2012. Besides the highest yoga teacher qualification by Yoga Alliance which is Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT® 500), IYA Advanced Yoga Teacher Certificate, HKYA-ACI®200, Paul Grilley Yin Yoga Teacher Certificate, Naomi also obtained a master degree from India, a Msc in Yoga & Naturopathy to deepen the knowledge of Yoga from the root. Her pursuit of spiritual growth goes beyond Yoga, Naomi also obtains SRT practitioner certification, Reiki Master qualification and keeps exploring the alternatives in natural therapy like sound healing, Vipassana, pranayama and mindfulness practice. She hopes to fuse, apply, and share her knowledge and valuable experience in teaching.
- Keen to learn and explore the deeper dimensions of yoga
- Have a minimum of 6 months of regular yoga practice
- Be free of major injuries going into the programme
- Have a coachable attitude
- Be fully committed and understand that 80% full attendance is required
- Be willing to forgo most other personal or professional commitments for the duration of the programme
- Read the required readings and submit homework during the course.
7:30am - 09:30am 晨練
09:30am - 10:00am 冥想
10:00am - 12:00pm 哲理課節
12:00pm - 1:30pm 休息
1:30pm - 5:00pm 實踐課節
5:00pm - 5:30pm 回顧反饋
章節零 . 歸零。覺察:23 – 29/10/2021 (7天全日)
章節一 . 平靜。感知:20 – 26/11/2021 (7天全日)
章節二 . 月滿。蛻變:11 – 17/12/2021 (7天全日)
章節零 . 歸零。覺察 (60小時)
- 瑜伽世界觀
- OM的過去、現在與未來
- 瑜伽八支法 (持戒、遵守奉行、體位、調息、制感、專注、禪那、三摩地)
- 氣脈理論
- 脈輪理論 (脈輪的情感、顏色與焦點)
- 傳統瑜伽哲學理論
- 瑜伽歷史及歷史人物
⁃ 哈達的起源與意義
⁃ 現代瑜伽的理論
⁃ 練習瑜伽的主要好處
⁃ 談討如何將瑜伽精髓融入教學及生活
⁃ 自然調息法
⁃ 認識呼吸的益處及目的
⁃ 自然腹式/橫膈膜呼吸法
⁃ 關節與肌肉
⁃ 塑形與彈性的理論
⁃ 張力與壓縮的理論
⁃ 人體十大系統講解
⁃ 結締組織
⁃ 關節的3個層次基本結構
⁃ 強化關節與肌肉的重要性
⁃ 瑜伽練習中常用的十四個關節分段研究
- 超過30個式子的剖釋及討論
- 3組拜日式及式子串聯
- 輔具及變體的講解
- 徒手調整
- 安全教學指南
- 模擬教學示範
- 基本瑜伽課堂編排
- 瑜伽導師的行為及操守
章節一 . 平靜。感知 (60小時)
- 培養靜心的藝術
- 專注、冥想、內觀
- 陰陽二元性概論
- 陰性能量的調整
- 經絡概論
- 瑜伽調息法
- 瑜伽食療
- 排毒養生
- 阿育吠陀哲學
- 阿育吠陀簡介及種類
- 阿育吠陀飲食習慣
- 體位法的描述
- 剖析上半身,軀幹和下半身的骨骼差異
- 式子的梵文拆解
- 不同體位法的特質與原則
- 式子的剖釋及討論
- 解剖學應用
- 以站立、坐臥、扭轉、後彎、手力量平衡、倒立等方式拆解體式
- 輔具及變體的講解
- 不同調整方法達致有效的訓練
- 課堂編排
- 模擬教學示範
- 瑜伽課堂編排
- 瑜伽體位法中的變化、串聯和安全性
- 視點
- 行氣及對應體式
章節二 . 月滿。蛻變 (60小時)
- 研讀瑜伽經典
- 六種潔淨法 Kriyas
- 筋膜的理論
- 解讀十二條筋膜線結構
- 筋膜線訓練及對應式子
- 能量層面上的瑜伽
- 5大軀殼能量層 Kosha
- 唱誦
- 潔淨法操作
- 式子的剖釋及討論
- 自我提升及一對一教學技巧
- 傷患及勞損的療癒
- 輔具及變體的講解
- 徒手調整
- 瑜伽的市場推廣及業務管理
- 模擬教學示範
- 進階瑜伽課堂編排(筋膜線系列編排)
教學相長,這只是悠長旅程的開始,請保持謙卑和自我反思的能力,持續寬容、肯定和樂觀地將自己與世界聯繫起來。 我們正在做的是提供一點連繫,由分享我們所學的知識,技巧和輔具來豐盛我們自身和周遭的生命。
• 由OMIYOGA所頒發的導師證書。
• OMIYOGA為美國瑜伽聯盟(Yoga Alliance)認證的指導學校。學員達成所有課程要求後,將獲取登記資格成為美國瑜伽聯盟RYT200認證導師。
Naomi Chan,OMIYOGA的創辦人。逾7年教授瑜伽的經驗,她的教學不只於體式及力量鍛練,亦包涵自身內在修為的探究。她現時已擁有全美瑜伽聯盟最高資格500小時資深瑜伽導師認證 (E-RYT® 500)、印度IYA進階哈達瑜伽導師證書、⾹港瑜伽協會導師資格 (HKYA-ACI®200)、瑜伽治療證書、Paul Grilley陰瑜伽導師資格、RKY兒童及群體瑜伽證書等。為追尋傳統的瑜伽古老智慧,她更於印度考取了瑜伽及⾃然療法的碩⼠資格。除了擁有500⼩時瑜伽導師資格,SRT執⾏師,靈氣導師及執⾏師資格外,她希望多加鑽研及宣揚調息法、內觀法及⾳頻治療等⾃然法並將其整合於她的瑜伽教學。
· 希望進一步探索瑜伽
· 不少於6個月的定期瑜伽練習
· 沒有重大傷患
· 具備開放的學習態度
· 了解並信守八成或以上的出席率
· 願意以訓練為先,在密集課程期間暫緩個人日常事務
· 完成在課程要求的閱讀材料並提交習作
問:OMIYOGA是否可以幫助我申請Yoga Alliance的資格?