YACEP 30 hours Yoga Wheel Teacher Training (Lv.1+2)
美國瑜伽聯盟30小時瑜伽輪導師課程 (Level 1 + 2)
2 levels can be joined separately. Suitable for yoga teachers, soon-to-be teachers and yoga wheel practitioners.
YACEP 30 hours Yoga Wheel Teacher Training (Lv.1 + 2)
Yoga wheel can effectively stretch the chest, shoulders and back, and improve the flexibility of the spine. Practice with yoga wheel can also condition backbends, headstands, balance and core muscle abilities, it trains up the coordination of various muscle groups, tendons and ligaments to achieve challenging asanas.
Keywords of the Course
- Trained by the founder of Original New York Dharma Yoga Wheel, Dov Vargas and Raquel Vamos, combined many years of teaching experience, a fusion of Chinese and Western cultures.
- Curriculum is based on the yoga wheel creators’ system and divided into levels, covering multi-aspects and needs of Asian.
- Analysis from multiple perspectives to systematically understand how the yoga wheel improves and assists yoga practice
- Introduce applied anatomy and elaborate on the joints of the shoulders, cervical and spine to help students cope with obstacles encountered in practice and teaching.
- Each level covers a series of asanas, enriching the content of practice.
Course Trainer Naomi Chan
- Learned from the founder of the Yoga Wheel, solid foundation.
- Practicing since 2007, over 10 years of yoga teaching experience, taught in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Norway respectively, with a blend of Chinese and Western cultures.
- First launched the yoga wheel workshop in 2016, more than five years of yoga wheel teaching experience
- Master's degree in Yoga and Natural Therapy
- E-RYT Yoga Teacher qualifications
- 300 hours advanced Hatha Yoga teacher qualification
- 200 hours of yoga certificate
- 200-hour yoga therapy certificate
- Paul Grilley Yin Yoga instructor qualification
- RKY Children and Group Yoga Certificate
- SRT instructor, Reiki instructor, and instructor qualifications
- Singing bowl therapy, sonic therapist
- Vipassana and meditation training
Wheel Yoga for all:
- Suitable for various sports instructors, junior and intermediate yoga practitioners
- Yoga wheel can boost the meridians, and activate lymph circulation.
- Patients with urban diseases, shoulder, neck, waist and back pain, headache and insomnia.
- The curve of the yoga wheel matches the human lumbar spine, helping practitioners to open up the shoulders and thoracic spine and bend safely.
- Stretch the thymus and peritoneum, and tune the hormones in the body.
- Unblock the body chakras, especially the heart chakras. People who are often emotionally frustrated, and introverted, are welcome to try this.
Registration requirements:
Participants need to have at least 2 months of yoga practice experience.
Suitable for yoga teachers, soon-to-be teachers and yoga wheel practitioners.
The course is mainly taught in Cantonese, supplemented by English.
Please check the 'Courses' page or click the link at the bottom.
Level 1 :
15/9, 22/9
Sunday . 2:00 - 9:30pm
Level 2 :
3/11, 17/11Sunday . 2:00 - 9:30pm
Tuition Fee:
Level 1 $3900 . apply 3 weeks in advance can get the early bird offer $3500.
Level 2 $4600 . apply 3 weeks in advance can get the early bird offer $4200.
No worry if you missed the early bird offer, apply level 1 & 2 on the same day can enjoy $7800 offer.
Enrol online and pay or settle payment via FPS/Bank Transfer:
HSBC – 004
Account Name – OMIYOGA
Account number - 741 537773 838
FPS ID: 100351485
FPS Email: info@omiyoga.com
FPS Phone: 51097502
Suite 1502, Car Po Commercial Building, 18-20 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central
There is no refund for registration fees for all courses.
This course accepts credit card online payments and bank transfers.
The reservation can only be confirmed after the payment is confirmed.
At the end of the course, students will receive a certificate of completion issued by OMIYOGA. OMIYOGA is a yoga school approved by the Yoga Alliance. Vouchers can be registered for Continuing Education (YACEP) hours in Yoga Alliance.
Yoga Alliance-approved yoga school:
OMIYOGA is a yoga school registered by the Yoga Alliance. Instructor training courses and instructors are internationally recognized. Yoga Alliance is the management organization of related yoga instructor training courses in the United States and around the world. Course graduates can register as RYT (registered yoga instructor) with Yoga Alliance after accumulating relevant hours. The registered yoga instructor is an internationally recognized yoga instructor qualification.
Level 1
An all-rounded class can cater for practitioners with different levels, and provide diverse experiences during the practice. The shoulders, cervical and spine joints will be explained in detail to help students cope with common obstacles encountered in practice and teaching.
- Asana practice and series Level 1 Sequence
- Yoga Wheel History and Theory
- Functional entry point to understanding the practice of roller yoga
- Spine bone structure and yoga wheel
- Shoulders + Basic Sequence
- Forward Fold Sequence
- Backbend Sequence
- Twisting Sequence
- Yoga wheel movement analysis, classroom design and teaching
-Safety awareness and assistance methods
-Q&A, review feedback
-Certificates distribution
Level 2
This section will cover all the usage of yoga wheels to fully utilize this prop
- Asana practice and series Level 2 Sequence
- Advanced Backbend Anatomy
- Anatomy of the structure of the shoulder, neck and thoracic cavity muscles
- Voice and perceptual guidance
- Balancing Application Balancing Sequence
- Inverted application Inversion Sequence
- Yin, Mindfulness & Restorative Sequence
- Yoga Wheel in Yoga Partner Sequence
- Asana disassembly, variation, classroom design and teaching skills
- Hand adjustment and difficulty arrangement
- Q&A, review feedback
- Certificates distribution
30小時瑜伽輪導師課程 (Level 1 + 2)
瑜伽輪能效地伸展胸腔、肩背和改善脊椎的靈活性。作為理療工具,能改善都市人治療肩脊腰椎痛症 。瑜伽輪的練習亦能建立後彎、倒立、平衡及核心肌群的能力,鍛煉大小肌群及筋腱的協調力,達成難度較調高的體式。
- 導師師承紐約瑜伽輪始創人Dov Vargas and Raquel Vamos,糅合多年教學經驗,中西文化滙粹
- 課程參照美國瑜伽輪始創人課程系統並改良,完整劃分級別,涵括多項重點
- 以多角度切入分析,有系統地理解瑜伽輪如何提升和輔助瑜伽練習
- 引進應用解剖學,對肩頸脊椎關節部份詳盡闡述,以助學員應對練習和教學時遇到的障礙
- 每個階級都涵括串連動作,豐富練習內容
師資介紹 Naomi Chan
- 跟隨瑜伽輪創辦人學習,掌握正規傳承,根基穩健
- 2007年開始練習,超過10年瑜伽教學經驗,分別再香港、台灣、挪威授課,風格糅合中西文化
- 早在2016年已經開辦瑜伽輪工作坊,超過五年瑜伽輪授課經驗
- 瑜伽輪公開活動講師
- 瑜伽及自然療法碩士學位
- E-RYT 導師資歷
- 300小時高階哈達瑜伽老師資格
- 200小時達瑜伽證書
- 200小時瑜伽治療證書
- Paul Grilley陰瑜伽導師資格
- RKY兒童及群體瑜伽證書
- SRT執⾏師、靈氣導師及執⾏師資格
- 頌缽治療、⾳叉聲頻治療師
- 內觀法及禪修訓練
- 針灸理療證書
- 各類運動導師及初中級瑜伽練習者
- 瑜伽輪可疏通經絡,暢通淋巴,去除身體水腫,改善體質
- 都市病、肩頸腰酸背痛及頭痛失眠患者
- 瑜伽入門人士
- 瑜伽輪弧度配合人體腰椎曲線,協助練習者開肩、胸椎,安全地後彎
- 改善骨盤引致的生理及神經痛,調正骨架
- 伸展胸腺、腹膜,平均體內激素
- 瑜伽輪幫助暢通身體脈輪,尤其心輪。經常有情緒鬱結、性格內向、自我封閉的人士適合練習
請參閱 'Courses' 頁面,或按以下 'Apply' 連結到相關頁面。
Level 1 :
2024年 9月
15/9, 22/9
星期日 . 2:00 - 9:30pm
Level 2 :
2024年 11月
3/11, 17/11
星期日 . 2:00 - 9:30pm
Level 1 $3900 . 於課程開始前3星期完成付款可獲早鳥優惠為 $3500。
Level 2 $4600 . 於 課程開始前3星期完成付款可獲早鳥優惠為 $4200。
如錯過了早鳥優惠也不用灰心,同時報名Level 1 & 2 可享優惠價 $7800。
HSBC – 004
帳戶名稱 Account Name – OMIYOGA
帳戶號碼Account number - 741 537773 838
FPS ID: 100351485
FPS Email: info@omiyoga.com
FPS Phone: 51097502
課程結束後學員將會獲得由OMIYOGA發出的完成證書。OMIYOGA為Yoga Alliance認可的瑜伽學校。憑證書可以在Yoga Alliance登記Continuing Education(YACEP)時數。
Yoga Alliance 認可瑜伽學校
OMIYOGA 為Yoga Alliance註冊之瑜伽學校。導師培訓課程及導師均為國際認可。Yoga Alliance為美國及全球相關瑜伽導師培訓課程之管理機構。課程畢業生在累積滿相關時數後可以向Yoga Alliance登記成為RYT (註冊瑜伽導師), 註冊瑜伽導師為國際認可之瑜伽導師資格。
Level 1
- 滾輪瑜伽體式練習及串連 Level 1 Sequence
- 瑜伽輪歷史及理論
- 功能性切入點去理解滾輪瑜伽的練習
- 脊椎骨骼結構與瑜伽輪
- 瑜伽輪於理療瑜伽 Shoulders + Basic Sequence
- 前彎之應用Forward Fold Sequence
- 後彎之應用、Backbend Sequence
- 扭旋之應用 Twisting Sequence
- 瑜伽輪動作分析、課堂設計及教學
- 安全意識及協助方法
- 問答、回顧反饋
- 證書頒發
Level 2
- 滾輪瑜伽體式練習及串連 Level 2 Sequence
- 進階後彎解剖
- 肩頸胸腔肌群結構剖釋
- 語音、感知引導
- 平衡之應用 Balancing Sequence
- 倒立之應用 Inversion Sequence
- 陰瑜伽、修復瑜伽、靜心練習及冥想應用 Yin, Mindfulness & Restorative Sequence
- 瑜伽輪於雙人瑜伽 Partner Sequence
- 體式拆解、變奏、課堂設計及教學技巧
- 徒手調整及難度安排
- 問答、回顧反饋
- 證書頒發