Inner Power (A)
後彎、倒立及手平衡 ・內在力量育成課
Service Description
90 minutes of targeted training, helps trainees to guide, nurture, and use inner strength skillfully to establish stable backbends, handstands, and arm balance. The difficulty has always been a relative concept, while meditation can be difficult for many people. The inner cultivation is higher than the physical practice. However, practicing so-called advanced backbends or strength poses is an exploration of the body and a way to know yourself. The body is amazing, and the control of power and breathing can have a deeper understanding of the body's mechanism; however, the coordination of breathing allows us to easily use our inner strength, which is both rigid and soft, and interdependent. Integrating many years of experience, with continuous targeted practice, let everyone witness the transformation of the body. The class is suitable for junior/intermediate students who have a basic yoga practice. They can also participate if they are unable to do a headstand. 90分鐘的針對性訓練,助學員有技巧地引、導培育及運用內在力量,建立穩固後彎、倒立和手平衡。 難易從來都是一個相對的概念,靜坐冥想可以很難,內心修為比身體的練習更高層次。練習所謂高難度的後彎或力量式子 ,是對對身體的探究,也是認識自己的方法。 身體很奇妙,掌握力量與呼吸的控制能對身體機理有更深的認識;然而,呼吸的配合讓我們能夠輕易運用內在力量,剛柔並濟,相互依存。 整合多年的經驗,持續針對性的練習,讓大家見證身體的轉變。 課堂適合有瑜伽基礎練習的初中階同學,未能做到頭倒立也可參加。

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Please note that we have no refund for all courses and teacher trainings except any extreme condition. For all group classes, we can only accept class amendment by 8 hours before the class, otherwise, we need to charge the class fee and no refund for any circumstance. Hope you understand. Reminder If you purchase/join any of our classes, you agree to our Participation Terms and Liability Waiver ( You should read carefully before purchase/join. 我們只接受課堂8小時前的調動,如未能及時通知,請恕我們不能為你更改課堂,堂費亦不可退還,敬請諒解。謝謝! 溫馨提示 如果您購買/參加我們的任何課程,即表示您同意我們的參與條款和免責聲明 (。購買/參加前應仔細閱讀。
Contact Details
Chinachem Johnston Plaza, 178-186 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Car Po Commercial Building, Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong