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Mindful Yoga (B)

A practice of “being present”.

Duration Varies
280 Hong Kong dollars

Service Description

Mindful Yoga A practice of “being present”. Through Hatha yoga focusing on self-awareness of our mind and body, we connect with the body, observe body sensations and emotions, and accept our mind-body conditions as they are with no judgement. By mindful trainings on the mat, we transfer our learnings off the mat - living at the moment calmly and joyfully, with greater acceptance, compassion and possibilities. 正念瑜伽 練習「活在當下」。 以哈達瑜伽為基礎,並以對身心的自我意識為焦點,我們與身體好好連結、觀察身體知覺和情緒、如實而毫無評判地接納我們自身的身心狀況。 從而,我們將在瑜伽蓆上的正念修習融入生活上——平和而喜樂地活在當下,更能接納發生的人事物並更富同理心和可能性。

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Please note that we have no refund for all courses and teacher trainings except any extreme condition. For all group classes, we can only accept class amendment by 24 hours before the class, otherwise we need to charge the class fee and no refund for any circumstance. Hope you understand.

Contact Details

  • Car Po Commercial Building, Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong


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