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Yoga Basic (B)

Fundamental for Health

280 Hong Kong dollars

Service Description

Bring us back to a balanced state so we can feel the silence and joy within. It is only when we are in a balanced state, that our body systems can function properly and we can live joyfully. We concentrate on the practice of postures and body movements to energize the body and mind. It clears the blockages physically and mentally. This class is suitable for everyone, especially beginners. Options are provided to cater to different body structures. Conducted in Cantonese, English instructions will be supplemented if required. 課堂透過基礎體式舒展身體繃緊的地方,清除身體的垃圾,同時令頭腦靜下來,讓我們感受到內在的平靜及喜悅。瑜伽除了伸展外,還會調節我們的內在,把我們帶回一個平衡的狀態。我們在一個平衡的狀態時,身體及情緒才會健康,我們才能活得輕鬆及快樂。課堂適合所有人仕,尤其初學者。課堂主要以廣東話教授,需要時會輔加英語。

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Please note that we have no refund for all courses and teacher trainings except any extreme condition. For all group classes, we can only accept class amendment by 24 hours before the class, otherwise we need to charge the class fee and no refund for any circumstance. Hope you understand.

Contact Details

  • Car Po Commercial Building, Lyndhurst Terrace, Central, Hong Kong


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